An Easier Way to Support Nutritional Wellness for Employees

The low-barrier nutrition benefit employees will actually use.

Why Employees Love It

It saves them time

From grocery shopping to cooking, Mealime makes the entire process of eating, healthy home cooking meals faster than ever.

It helps them eat healthy

Whether it’s diet, preferences, allergies, or underlying health conditions - Mealime makes eating healthy easy for everyone.

It saves them money

Mealime's recipes and algorithms work in tandem to efficiently create meal plans that reduce food waste and keep grocery bills low.

“Clinical employee nutrition programs often struggle at influencing positive health outcomes because of an inability to secure and retain mass engagement & participation. By contrast, people genuinely want to use Mealime because it prioritizes making your life easier. You don't have to feel like a patient to improve your diet! The health benefits come naturally, as a byproduct of taking the path of least resistance.”

Bethany Del Begio - Registered Dietician

The Business Case

For employers, by the numbers

Poor Nutrition Costs

Studies have shown that the average total cost of nutrition-related diseases is over $3000 per employee, per year.

Return on Investment

Every $1 invested in employee well-being produces more than $3 in savings in direct and indirect health costs.

Healthy Home Cooking

Those who cook at home 5+ times per week have are 28% less likely to have an obese BMI.

Why Mealime?

In addition to being the #1 healthy eating app on iOS & Android we offer:

Worldwide Coverage

Mealime is available in 36 countries and is integrated with most major grocery retailers across North America, the UK and Australia.

Effortless Rollout

Seamless employee onboarding and robust marketing materials make rollouts a breeze.

Engagement Analytics

We provide detailed reporting on employee engagement that helps you understand usage patterns across your organization.

Ongoing Support

Our team will work with you to increase employee adoption and achieve your organization’s wellness goals.

Want to learn more?

Contact us or download our brochure to learn how Mealime can partner with you to help your employees eat better and live a happier life.

Program Overview

Mealime Pro Access

Give your entire workforce access to the leading healthy eating app. Employees can easily onboard with our self-serve portal and access Mealime anytime and anywhere.

Engagement Materials

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Feature three

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5 - 100 Employees100+ Employees
per year per employee
All Mealime Pro Features & RecipesPro recipes, Nutritional info, Import your own recipes, Advanced filters, Meal plan history
Member Technical Support
Onboarding Materials
Employee Engagement Resources
Dedicated Account Manager
Reporting and AnalyticsUnderstand how your employees are interacting with Mealime and track company wide initiatives like food-waste reduction.
Digital Events and WebinarsCooking classes and nutrition seminars from our team of expert dieticians and culinary professionals.
Impact Assessment SurveysUnderstand how healthy eating is impacting your employees over time.
Mealime Slack BotGet nutrition tips and healthy eating/food waste stats in your Slack channel.Coming SoonComing Soon
Community PortalHealthy eating & food waste contests & challenges, Recipe sharing & feedbackComing Soon
Book a Demo