Our Plans

Mealime for Work plans can be customized to your organizations requirements

5 - 100 Employees100+ Employees
per year per employee
All Mealime Pro Features & RecipesPro recipes, Nutritional info, Import your own recipes, Advanced filters, Meal plan history
Member Technical Support
Onboarding Materials
Employee Engagement Resources
Dedicated Account Manager
Reporting and AnalyticsUnderstand how your employees are interacting with Mealime and track company wide initiatives like food-waste reduction.
Digital Events and WebinarsCooking classes and nutrition seminars from our team of expert dieticians and culinary professionals.
Impact Assessment SurveysUnderstand how healthy eating is impacting your employees over time.
Mealime Slack BotGet nutrition tips and healthy eating/food waste stats in your Slack channel.Coming SoonComing Soon
Community PortalHealthy eating & food waste contests & challenges, Recipe sharing & feedbackComing Soon
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